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Air Flow Effects Important for Spin Coating

Air Flow Basics (Ideal Case)
The image at the right, from Millsaps and Pohlhausen, [J. Aeronautical Sci., (1952) 120-126] shows a schematic of the ideal airflow field above an infinitely large spinning disk. At the surface of the disk there is a "no-slip" condition so the contacting air must be exactly co-rotating --- hence the flow vectors pointing essentially tangentially to any point at a given radius (and proportional to the distance from the center). At moderate distances from the surface a centripetal acceleration must be provided by the viscous effects; this condition is thus maintained only when some outward radial air flow is also occurring. This outward flow is balanced by some minor downdraft over the entire wafer. This is a steady state configuration and does not include inertial effects included in the "spin-up" stages. This air flow pattern also only hold true so long as the flow is laminar. A "boundary layer" of uniform thickness thus exists over the entire surface area of the spinning wafer: it is through this boundary layer that evaporating solvent must diffuse. Because the boundary layer is constant in thickness over the wafer then the evaporation rate as a function of position is predicted to also be constant.

Air Flow Complications
            The steady flow field described above is limited to cases where the flow is laminar and where it is "steady". In fact, except for very large wafers, most spinning conditions DO satisfy the constraint of having laminar flow. However, there can be un-steady oscillating instabilities in the boundary layer near the surface of the wafer. These form spiral shaped waves or rolls that are called "Ekman" spirals. Wahal, et al [Applied Physics Letters 62 (1993) 2584-6] have experimentally observed Ekman spirals (shown in the figure at right) for nominally laminar conditions in spin coating. They claim that these instabilities can lead to coating thickness variations, but have not explained WHY that would be the case.

(c) 1998,1999,2000,2005 Dunbar P. Birnie, III